polynomial of degree n造句
- Let f be a monic, irreducible polynomial of degree n.
- The sum of these binomial coefficients yields a polynomial of degree n in n variables.
- A wavelet with n vanishing moments is orthogonal to polynomials of degree n-1.
- One can show that f is a homogeneous polynomial of degree n, therefore it can be written as
- The Galois group of a polynomial of degree n is S _ n or a proper subgroup of that.
- Every irreducible integer polynomial of degree n, is isomorphic to a full-rank lattice in \ mathbb { Z } ^ n.
- Every proof I've seen usually has the statement ( usually implicitly ) that an integral polynomial of degree n has n complex roots.
- The term in the brackets is a polynomial of degree n-2, which is therefore orthogonal to p _ { n-1 } ( x ).
- Where C ^ { \ mu } _ { N } is the Ultraspherical polynomial of degree N, and x _ 0 and \ mu control the side-lobe patterns.
- After that, there isn't a special name, although all fall under the class of polynomials, and in particular x ^ n is a polynomial of degree n.
- It's difficult to see polynomial of degree n in a sentence. 用polynomial of degree n造句挺难的
- :Alternatively : prove that if P ( x ) is a polynomial of degree n then P ( x + c )-P ( x ) is a polynomial of degree n-1.
- :Alternatively : prove that if P ( x ) is a polynomial of degree n then P ( x + c )-P ( x ) is a polynomial of degree n-1.
- *PM : a polynomial of degree n over a field has at most n roots, id = 6897-- WP guess : a polynomial of degree n over a field has at most n roots-- Status:
- *PM : a polynomial of degree n over a field has at most n roots, id = 6897-- WP guess : a polynomial of degree n over a field has at most n roots-- Status:
- To apply this to the pseudo-spectral method, we choose basis functions \ phi _ n ( x ) = \ sqrt { w ( x ) } P _ n ( x ), with P _ n being a polynomial of degree n with the property
- Where a _ n is defined as a _ n = h ( 0 ) if n = 0 and a _ n = 2h ( n ) if n \ ne 0 . Also cos ( wn ) is a polynomial of degree n known as the Chebyshev polynomial.
- If g is a polynomial of degree n so that g ( x 0 ) = 0 then g would have to be a constant multiple of f 0, in other words not trivially different .-- talk ) 18 : 37, 23 June 2016 ( UTC)
- So, if you give me any arbitrary n points ( that are distinct, of course ), I can always find at least one polynomial of degree n-1 that goes through all of those points . talk ) 06 : 38, 7 February 2008 ( UTC)
- More precisely, if T _ { n } is the time needed to compute the GCD of two polynomials of degree n and the quotient of these polynomial by the GCD, then 2T _ { n } is an upper bound for the time needed to compute the square free decomposition.
- Working them out for the first few terms in each series suggests that you could probably find a closed formula, since each one comes in a form of either p ( \ alpha ) a _ 0 or p ( \ alpha ) b _ 0, where p is a polynomial of degree n ( when looking at the nth coefficient ).
- 更多造句: 1 2
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